Ordering Info

  • Orders are processed within 5 business days.
  • “Pre-order” means an item is not in stock but is available to order. Details are on each product page. This term applies to items that take 4+ weeks to become available.
  • “Advance Order” means an item is not in stock but is available to order. Details are on each product page. This term applies to items that take 1-4 weeks to become available.
  • If not noted otherwise on the product page, item is in stock and will ship 5-7 business days after order is placed.
  • Payment accepted: all major credit cards, PayPal, and Venmo. Note that Venmo payments must be made within 24 hours or your order will be cancelled.
  • Due to the nature of our business, markdowns (sales, clearance) cannot be honored once a sale ends or an item sells out. It is at our discretion to end a markdown without advance notice to the customer.
  • Customer is responsible for checking their invoice prior to payment, to ensure accuracy. The Sunshine Jar is not responsible for mistakes made and paid for; it will be at our discretion if we cancel/refund.
  • Fraud will not be tolerated and fraudulent orders will be cancelled and refunded immediately, and without warning or contact.